Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Last week of the term

So as your aware that this is the last week of term 2 for 2018. Term 2 has gone really well for me, however there are some downs sides as well. As for the last week of the term, the week has bee really heck deck for myself and also my fellow pairs. For example there is a big rugby game on Friday for me, there's also assessments due at the end of this week, and also a graduation for myself and 5 other students at ATC through gateway.

For me to manage this busy week, I will have to follow a plan that I have made especially for this week. I have made a list and put the most urgent things at the top, then the less ones at the bottom of the list. Like at the top of my list will go assessment first, then the rugby game and work then last the graduation. I have put graduation last as I have already prepared myself for it last week. I have completed the assessment as I have been staying after the school and working on it. I have also been attending training for the big game on Friday. And as for work I have been turning up on time, and doing the job right.

Things that I can improve on. So right now everything is going really good as going to plan, although I really need to improve on focusing on my work more, as I get desecrated really easy then i'll be a desecration to my fellow pairs, which will effect their learning and also mine. I'm managing time really well this week, as other weeks i'll be either really early to subjects or other commitments, or just be late. I strongly think that time management is one of my strongest weaknesses, if I do not make a plan or a top priority list for the week. I can improve on my time management by 1 making a plan for the week or 2 do not get desecrated by others, and not to be a desecration to others.